Magnetic monopole - a magnet with a single pole. A very unimaginable concept for many... The Magnetic Monopoly is a key concept in the Human Design system that plays a fundamental role in the way each of us attracts events, situations and people into our lives. This article will offer a deeper look at this fascinating aspect of Human Design. I believe that understanding what our own magnetic monopoly brings to all of us can unlock the door to self-understanding and knowing our life path.
Magnet versus Magnetic Monopoly
Of course, we all know how a classic magnet with two poles works. I don't want to go into specifics or excessive details here, but we certainly all understand a magnet as an object that produces a magnetic field having the ability to attract or repel materials such as iron, and/or to act on other magnets in an attractive or repulsive manner. The basic characteristic of a magnet is that it always has two poles: north and south. If we split the magnet in half, we would again get two new magnets, each with its own north and south pole. This phenomenon shows that magnets always exist as dipoles, i.e. they have two poles, which as we can see in the picture on the left.
But the magnetic monopole (on the right in the picture) enters the scene - a magnet with one pole, which for a long time existed only as a theoretical concept. It is a magnet that has only one pole - either only and only repels or only and only attracts. Interestingly, in 2009 the scientific community confirmed the existence of magnetic monopoles, which until then had only been a hypothetical matter, even though Human Design had been talking about them for years (Science Daily, 2009).
Magnetic Monopoly and Connection to Human Design
It is important to understand that each of us has this unipolar magnet within us, and according to the Voice that imparted all knowledge to the founder of Human Design, this very specific magnet is located within the G center - in the area of our sternum, next to the heart. This single pole magnet has only the south pole that has an attractive force (image below).
Magnetic monopole and center G
From my point of view, the G center is the most amazing and interesting center in the entire Human Design system. It is the center that contains this mystical magnet that can only attract. It is good to remember that all other aspects of Human Design exist in binary form (opposites), which makes the G center even more unique - it has a very important role in our lives.
The role of the magnetic monopole
It is good to realize that this magnet plays a double role in our life:
The magnetic monopole keeps us and everything around us together in the "illusion" of our separateness by keeping the design crystal and the personality crystal together yet separate, much like a marriage that binds two people together. - We will talk about these two aspects, the design crystal and the personality crystal, in the next article 😊
It keeps us on our way through life through time and space and guides us along our life geometry which we like to refer to as destiny.
The magnetic monopole draws us into the material body at our birth and then leaves with us when we leave. If we were to look at our Rave Mandala – a specific representation of our energy structure, very similar to our chart – we might notice that all the rays of our definition of who we are radiate from the outside of the mandala inward to the yellow diamond right in the center of the chart , to the G center. This strategic location of our monopoly, and the G centers in general, points to their importance in our lives. It illustrates how cosmic and planetary influences revolve around the G center, while the magnetic monopole attracts from the surrounding that which is specifically ours according to our definition - that which we can experience in this life, such as love, beauty, self-knowledge, direction, purpose.. .
We are designed to live in a love that draws us to each other, but that always begins with loving ourselves. Before we incarnate into this body, and before we begin to experience life as "I", the magnetic monopole and personality and design crystals (energy particles that settle within our head center and ajny) are made to fit together perfectly . As the babies form in the mother's womb, the crystals detach and travel into place, but the magnetic monopole remains. At this moment there is a division of our innermost essence of being, creating the illusion of separateness. The separation between these basic building blocks of Human Design creates the desire we experience as a lifelong search for love – and love, in one form or another, is what our lives are largely about.
This separation leads us to seek love outside of ourselves and to try to understand who we are, where we are going, and who we are in relation to other living beings. Sometimes we try to become worthy of illusory love, which may not be the right path, but many see it as the only way out of the sense of confusion that comes from the separation of the magnetic monopole and design crystal. Our mind takes advantage of this state through our open centers. Ironically, the love that some of us have been searching for all our lives is right in front of us, inside our G center . When we realize that we don't need to look outside, but just look inside, we are able to understand what we are trying to think - who we are, where to find love in this life and what is our relationship with others, what is our direction, purpose and goal in life.
Love is the force that connects the universe and draws all that exists into a state of unity.
In the context of life direction, it is here, in the G center, that the magnetic monopole plays the role of "holding us in place" within our life and keeping us on our life path. We can imagine that at the center of G is our built-in GPS, which knows exactly where to go and which path to take. Without the magnetic monopoly, we would feel lost and likely to get lost. Its power not only allows us to feel connected to everything around us, but also leads us to follow our own path and thus shape our destiny. At the same time, without it, there would be nothing to hold us together as a human species with others in the universe; we would live in separateness, a feeling that people living outside of their design can experience.
And as I like to say:
Paradoxically, the magnetic monopole separates us from one another, but its mysterious and mystical attraction simultaneously draws us together through love.
The magnetic monopoly thus knows where we are, where we are going and how to get us there. It draws to us all the people, places and events we encounter and determines how life and its authentic living is drawn to us. We move along this life trajectory thanks to our decisions, whether conscious or unconscious. It is useless to look for anything outside, because the true life will bring us exactly the things that are ideal for us. THAT IS WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND YOUR OWN DECISION-MAKING PROCESS ✨
A magnetic monopole is more than a theoretical concept
In the world, Human Design is a living principle that shapes the foundations of our interaction with the universe and guides us to understand the deeper aspects of our existence. It gives us insight into the way we are connected to the world around us and provides the key to unlocking the hidden doors of our inner selves. Through this unique element, we can better understand the dynamics of attraction in our lives, and how these forces influence our relationships, decisions, and direction we take.
From this point of view, the magnetic monopoly is not just a metaphor; it is the bridge between science and the spiritual, between matter and energy, between what is visible and what remains hidden in the depths of our being. It provides us with a unique opportunity to explore how deeply our internal processes and external manifestations can be connected and influenced by this invisible but omnipresent field.
Ultimately, each of us is equipped with everything we need to find our way, understand our mission, and live life in alignment with what is true and meaningful to us. As an essential element of our inner navigation, the magnetic monopole is a reminder that even in the darkest we can find a light to guide us home – to ourselves, to love, and to oneness with all that exists.
If you want to know more about your Magnetic Monopole, feel free to message me.
Remember that each of us is an absolute original and therefore it is important to look at how your G center manifests itself and how we can grasp it in order to fulfill its potential 🪄